Where to Learn English in Alberta

Learning English

The transitional process of moving from one country to another is a big step as you are exposed to a new world where people speak a different language. This is one of the biggest barriers that newcomers face upon settlement. Luckily, Alberta is a multicultural hub where there are many opportunities to learn and improve your English, often for free.

When you first arrive, you should get your language assessed. The Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) is used in Canada to teach and test adults’ language skills. The CLB is important for newcomers who plan on attending English classes, training, looking for work or studying at a university or college.

There are many locations in Alberta where newcomers can assess their language for free. Equally, there are numerous English language programs, notably Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada, or LINC, a free language-training program. The following is a list of LINC programs offered by various organizations and institutions across Calgary.

Additionally, there are numerous English as a Second Language (ESL) programs in Calgary and Edmontonhttp://study.alberta.ca/plan-your-studies/credentials-programs/english-as-a-second-language/.

There are other resources that newcomers can access to learn English, including church-based ESL programs in Calgary.

In addition to this, a socially-inclusive way of learning English can also be joining Meetup groups in the city to learn and practice your English.

Aside from Meetup groups, learning centers, ESL classes and formal settings, other ways of informally practicing and improving your English can be in day-to-day activities such as going for a walk in the neighborhood and engaging in a conversation with your neighbours or starting up a conversation with the cashier at your local supermarket. There are always opportunities to grow and learn if you keep a positive attitude.

Additional resources on Language Training:

